Meet Our Team

Elizabeth Ginsburg (Co-Chair)
Vice President, Partnerships, NYC Economic Development Corp.

David Nugroho (Co-Chair)
Analyst, HR&A Advisors

Zach Schwanbeck
Director, BRP Companies

Kristina Pecorelli
Principal, HR&A Advisors

Sylvia Xiaomeng Li
Director, HR&A Advisors


Jiae Azad
Development Manager, Jonathan Rose Companies

Hazel Balaban
Hirsh Fellow at NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate

Heather Beck
Senior Advisor, Office of EVP, Real Estate, New York City Housing Authority

Johane Clermont
Project Manager (Affordable Development), Douglaston Development

Kati Chen
Transactions Manager, Madison Energy Investments


Warren Hagist
Associate Director of Real Estate, SmartLabs

Mike Heyer
Manager of Transit Oriented Development, NJ Transit

Ian Lundy
Director of Impact Investing and Development, MSquared


John Raymond
Vice President, Real Estate, NYC Economic Development Corp.

Nick Williams
Senior Land Use Associate, Fried Frank


Advisory Board


PJ Berg
Senior Vice President, Real Estate, NYC Economic Development Corporation

Andrew Foley
Associate Director of Development, Jonathan Rose Companies

Maggie Haight
Director, BJH Advisors

Josh Levitt
Head of Strategic Partnerships + GTM @ Impulse

Kai Feder
Chief of Staff at the New Jersey State Office of Innovation